50TPD Culture Paper Deinking Pulp Line
Generally speaking, in order to meet market demand and control investment costs, paper mill owners will choose waste paper as the raw material for producing cultural paper. Leizhan provides complete 50tpd culture paper deinking pulp line machine, including deinking machine to remove ink, pulp processor to remove impurities and thermal dispersion system to remove pulp glue.
Culture Paper Deinking Pulp Line Details
Chain conveyor → High consistency hydrapulper → High density cleaner → M.C. coarse screen → Reject separator → 1 grade first stage low density cleaner → Second stage low density cleaner → third stage low density cleaner → M.C. fine screen → Front flotation deinking machine →High-Speed stock washer → Screw press washer → Heater → Disc disperser → Screw conveyor → High consistency bleaching tower
Our 50tpd culture paper deinking pulp line has advantages of high efficiency, less energy consumption and stable running for paper mill. About price and details, welcome to send email or message.
Our email: leizhanpulper@gmail.com