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White Board Paper Making Line Machine

For the paper mill project, the customer adopted our white board paper production line machine, including pulping equipment and paper machine spare parts. Our white board paper production line machine mainly uses waste paper as raw material to produce white board paper.

White Board Paper Machine Specification

1. Raw material: waste paper, waste carton, wood pulp, etc
2. Paper grade: white board paper
3. Trimmed width: 2400-6600mm
4. Basis weight: 200 – 350gsm
5. Production capacity: 200 – 1400t/d
6. Working speed: 200 – 600m/min

Leizhan company provides high-quality equipment. No matter what problems you encounter in your paper production line, our professionals will provide you with technical support whenever you need it. If you want to know more about the white board paper machine, please feel free to contact us.

Our email: leizhanpulper@gmail.com

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