Home / Solutions / Kraft Paper Making Line / 100TPD Kraft Paper Machine For Sale

100TPD Kraft Paper Machine For Sale

Recently the customer adopted our 100tpd kraft paper making machine. In addition, we also provide pulp production line equipment for paper manufacturing projects. By using our kraft paper making machine, the total investment is reduced and paper making is more profitable. Here are some details.

Kraft Paper Machine Details

Raw materials: wood pulp, waste paper, waste carton, virgin pulp, etc
Basis Weigth: 80-200gsm
Trimmed Width: 3200mm
Design Speed: 100-180m/min
Operating Hours: 22.5h/d
Production Capacity: 100t/d

Leizhan always puts customers’ profits and needs in the first place and has been recognized by customers for more than 45 years. If you have any questions about the papermaking industry or need more information about 100tpd kraft paper making machine, please feel free to contact us. Email: leizhanpulper@gmail.com

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